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STOCKHOLM (AP) - At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.

From the color and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes.

"Society expects girls to be girlie, nice and pretty and boys to be manly, rough and outgoing," says Jenny Johnsson, a 31-year-old teacher. "Egalia gives them a fantastic opportunity to be whoever they want to be."



Fundamentally Freund: That dream of some 7,000 Bnei Menashe to come to Israel is now poised to become a reality.
Thousands of kilometers to the east, in the furthest reaches of northeastern India, a long-lost community continues to nourish its age-old dream of returning to its ancient homeland, the land of Israel.



イスラム同胞団、イスラム合衆国を作ろうとDr. Kamal Al-Helbawy。

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(The Middle East Media Research Institute) reports that in an "interview with the Egyptian daily Al-Shorouq, Dr. Kamal Al-Helbawy, former Muslim Brotherhood spokesman in the West, called upon the Arab youth to launch a new revolution that would eliminate the borders drawn by imperialist nations and bring about the establishment of a global Islamic state – called ‘The United States of Islam.’ According to Al-Helbawy, the Muslim Brotherhood is active in approximately 80 countries and strives to realize the dream of becoming a global organization."

Interview excerpt:

"The Muslim Brotherhood is organized in 80 countries, and they and the Islamists have a right to establish a global movement, much like global socialism or Zionism…"

"Why Shouldn't We Have A Country Called 'The United States Of Islam’… I Propose That the Arab Peoples… Take To the Streets With the Slogan ‘The Arab People Wants To Remove the Borders [Between Its Countries]'


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On sidelines of Tehran terrorism conference, Iranian president, Lebanese FM discuss Israel's "threat to region," and Lebanon's new gov't.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met privately with Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Monsour on the sidelines of Tehran's "International Conference for the Global Fight against Terrorism" on Saturday, Iran's PressTV reported.

During Ahmadinejad and Mansour's meeting, the two discussed the idea that Israel "remains the main threat and a major source of terror and instability in the region," according to PressTV.



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今後、同性愛許容や性差の喪失などにより神の秩序を破壊し、神の主権を犯す動きと同時に、先のInterfaith Movementなどでモスレムとの融合、あるいはカトリックのような偶像礼拝そのものにより霊的姦淫・侵食が行われ、さらにイスラエルに対する攻撃が行われる。そして神への愛と隣人愛の実行として、人類はみなひとつ、すべての"信仰"は神へと導き、国家の境界線を排除して、世界は統一され、究極の世界平和が成就するのだ。



小羊が第五の封印を解いた時、神の言のゆえに、また、そのあかしを立てたために、殺された人々の霊魂が、祭壇の下にいるのを、わたしは見た。彼らは大声で叫んで言った、「聖なる、まことなる主よ。いつまであなたは、さばくことをなさらず、また地に住む者に対して、わたしたちの血の報復をなさらないのですか」。すると、彼らのひとりびとりに白い衣が与えられ、それから、「彼らと同じく殺されようとする僕仲間や兄弟たちの数が満ちるまで、もうしばらくの間、休んでいるように」と言い渡された。-Rev 6:9-11




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