
トップ > 社会 > 米大統領が戦争をもたらした13の嘘


今年最後の講義を午後に控えて、iTunesから流れるDiana Krallをまったりと楽しんでおります(写真は私の部屋から見えるサンシャイン60)。

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さて、あの「911事件」をアルカイダによるテロと見ている人は現在ほとんどいないとは思うが、ニッポンの場合は、残念ながらそれが大勢ではある。False Flag、すなわちヤラセだったことは、このブログの読者は同意してもらえると思う(品行方正は大人しい羊であるところのニッポンキリスト教徒はここには来られないと思う故^^)。

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13 Lies: An Abbreviated History of U.S. Presidents Leading Us to War

1. War of 1812 (Madison, 1812) — Lies: In 1812, Congress declared war on England based primarily on their kidnapping (‘impressment’) of our sailors at sea. Truth: To drive England out of N. America, so the war started with our failed invasion of Canada at Detroit. DC “expansionists” took advantage and started incursions to acquire Spanish Florida, and Mexican Texana territories.

2. Mexican-American (Polk, 1845) — Lies: Fight to defend our Texas border with Mexico. Truth: The disputes started when residents stole The Republic of Texas from Mexico. We invaded and took the northern half of Mexico, now our entire SW region of five states.
3. Civil (Lincoln, 1865) — Lies: Fight to end slavery and preserve the union. Truth: The South got tired of economic abuse by the North and had a perfect right to secede. It was not a civil war and it was unconstitutional, illegal, and immoral for the North to start a war to stop them. The Northern states who had the votes to control Congress, wanted to retain the South as a source of cotton and a customer for their manufactured goods (hence the high tariffs on imports in southern ports). Slavery was ended later by the Emancipation Proclamation, but only in Southern states, because the Union wanted the slaves as soldiers. Lincoln was a tyrant beholden to the railroad and canal interests; he jailed journalists and draft resisters who opposed him. Yet, to this day he is revered as a great President who saved the Union.

4. Spanish-American (McKinley, 1898) — Lies: Spain blew up the US battleship Maine in Cuba’s Havana harbor. Truth: Hearst publicized, and Teddy Roosevelt mobilized, to use the accidental explosion to take over Cuba by starting a war in April, 1898. We then invaded the Philippines in May and annexed Hawaii in July. A busy time for the beginning of Empire-USA!

5. WWI (Wilson, 1917) — Lies: Join Europe to “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” Truth: Wilson was convinced to join by US and European industrialists who wanted to sell munitions and guns to the allies, and get paid when they won.

6. WWII (FDR, 1941) — Lies: Defend the US from unprovoked attacks by Japan. Truth: FDR wanted to help his pal Winston Churchill, so poked Japan until he got his “incident.”

7. Korean (Truman, 1950) — Lies: Defend America. Truth: Truman and the Generals wanted a reason to have troops in the Far East area of our Empire.

8. Vietnam (Kennedy, Johnson, 1964) — Lies: Johnson said Vietnam attacked our ships in the Gulf of Tonkin in August, 1964. Truth: The US didn’t want to lose the southeast Asia region, and its oil and sea lanes, to China. This “attack” was convenient. Kennedy initiated the first major increase in US troops (over 500).

9. Gulf War (G.H.W. Bush, 1991) — Lies: To defend Kuwait from Iraq. Truth: Saddam was a threat to Israel, and we wanted his oil and land for bases.

10. Balkans (Clinton, 1999) — Lies: Prevent Serb killing of Bosnians. Truth: Get the Chinese out of Eastern Europe (remember the “accidental” bombing of their embassy in Belgrade?) so they could not get control of the oil in the Caspian region and Eastward. Control land for bases such as our huge Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, and for the proposed Trans-Balkan Oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea area to the Albanian port of Valona on the Adriatic Sea.

11. Afghan (G.W. Bush, 2001) — Lies: The Taliban were hiding Osama. Truth: To build a gas/oil pipeline from Turkmenistan and other northern ‘xxstan’ countries to a warm water (all year) port in the Arabian Sea near Karachi (same reason the Russians were there), plus land for bases.

12. Iraq (G.W. Bush, 2003) — Lies: Stop use of WMDs — whoops, bring Democracy, or whatever. Truth: Oil, defense of Israel, land for permanent bases (we were kicked out of Saudi Arabia) to manage the greater Middle East, restore oil sales in USD (Saddam had changed to Euros).

13. Possible Iran War (Obama, 201?) — Lies: They almost have an atom bomb; they are a threat to Israel; major killer of our troops in Iraq. Truth: Control their oil, defend Israel, and restore oil sales in USD only (they changed to add Euros and others). We created the regional conflict and shouldn’t be surprised that all neighbors (including our “friends” in Saudi Arabia) are helping Iraq. We exaggerate the threat to Israel, especially as Iran has allowed inspections and Israel has not.




The time is very near. The Spirit is showing me that the covenant with death and the rebellion it signifies will occur in the Fall of 2011, next year. This rebellion will reveal the Antichrist, the Islamic Al Mahdi. Once Israel enters this covenant with many Sunni and Shia Islam will no longer have a common enemy and the real power struggle for Islam and domination of the world will ensue! In my blog titled: ANTICHRIST INFO, I showed you that the Al Mahdi, Christianity’s Antichrist, will arise from the annual Islamic Hajj.

この「秋」と言うのは実はきわめて重要だ。最後の7年間が秋から始まり、秋に終わるであろうことは、ユダヤの祭りをタイプとして見たとき、きわめて合理的なのだ。初臨の主イエスは秋の仮庵の祭りに誕生され(12月25日はニムロデの誕生日だ!)、春の祭りを実に正確に成就された。春は種まきの時期、そして秋は収穫の時期。一連の秋の祭り、特に最後の仮庵の祭りを成就するために主は再臨される。このときの鍵は月齢。Metonic cycleによる86月が条件となる。NASAのデータに基づいて計算すると、この条件を満たすのは、2011年、2014年、2016年、2019年・・・など。このブログ主も言うとおり、それはきわめてnear。詳細はおいおい・・・

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