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Report: Egypt's Mubarak to quit within hours


Egypt's Mubarak is Out, Revolution Begins?

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is slated to step down, handing power to a military junta after 16 days of demonstrations and violent riots across the country. But the next step is unclear, and it would appear that a full-scale Revolution may have begun, with strikes paralyzing the nation and tens of thousands of protesters celebrating in Cairo.


Israel openly opposes democracy in ME

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's second-in-command has strictly rejected the establishment of democracy in Egypt, alleging it could have dire consequences.

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9月ぶりに新宿にてある人とランチ。スバルビル地下のスープスパゲッティが美味い。アフターのティラミスとカフェ&ティで3時間ほど会話。思い起こすといろいろな想い出が・・・。時の経つのは何と早いもの。あなたも私も歳を重ねたね、a little bit。[@19:20]

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