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Christians asked to bow in submission to Allah

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先にエジプトではイスラムとコプト教徒がひとつとなって共に新しいエジプトを建設すると言う、イスラム教神学者Yusuf al-Qaradawiの説教を紹介したが、一見もっともらしいこの発言、実に狡猾な偽善だ。ついに彼はクリスチャンにアッラーを礼拝することを強要するに至った。これはいずれ世界のあちこちで起きてくる終末の様相の前兆だ。

・EU tells Israel: Mideast turmoil makes peace talks imperative

Hungary FM tells Lieberman that time is pressing, Israeli-Palestinian talks remain core issue. By The Associated Press

BRUSSELS - The European Union is telling Israel that growing instability in the Middle East makes it imperative to immediately resume the stalled peace process with the Palestinians.


Is the West Bank next?

If Israel refuses to accept a viable peace deal, the revolt sweeping the Arab world will arrive in Palestine.

If Binyamin Netanyahu's govenment, and its lobby in Washington, were rational they would be rushing to plan Israel's evacuation from the occupied territories, and encouraging the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

That is because they would understand that the Arab revolution will not stop at the gates of the West Bank, especially when it is the occupation that unites virtually all Arabs and Muslims in common fury.


Iran Warships Complete Suez Canal Voyage Amid Israel Objection


President: Outdated world order on verge of collapse

Tehran, Feb 22, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that the traditional and outdated world order is now on the verge of collapse.

President Ahmadinejad made the remark in a meeting with visiting Ecuadorian Parliament Speaker Fernando Cordero in Tehran on Tuesday.

World nations should not let those who took control of the world over the past 300 years impose their will under a new guise, he said.

According to the presidential website, at the meeting, the Iranian president said the global hegemony has reached a dead-end.



A brief History of the next 18 Months

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