
トップ > 信仰 > 新しい"ノーマル"はノーマルではない!


面白い記事があった(→The new normal is definitely NOT normal)。2011年、"New Normal"が次々に出現している。

1. Massive migrating animal deaths taking place all over the globe (link)
2. Major super storms taking place (link) (link)
3. Magnetic pole migration that have been going on since 2004 (link)
4. Irregular weather causing food shortages (link)
5. Increased volcano eruptions (link)
6. Increased earthquakes (link)
7. The wobble in the earth's rotation getting worse (link)
8. Sunrise coming 2 days early in Greenland (link)
9. Yellowstone ground bulging from active magma swells (link)
10. Planet X/Comet Elenin calculated to pass only a few million miles from earth (link)
11. FEMA buying food and supplies for a New Madrid Fault Catastrophe (link)
12. Severe winter weather (link)
13. Airports closing down to remark their runways over magnetic pole migration. (link)
14. Rogue tides from rising oceans (link)
15. Increased solar radiation (link)
16. Increased sink hole activity and large cracks forming (link) (link)
17. Animal behavioral changes (link)
18. Leaky magnetic field (link)
19. Mega solar flare activity (link)
20. Climategate (link)


'Gaddafi is not a president. He is a leader of a revolution' – video

リビヤの状況に関連してエゼキエル38-39章のGogMagogの戦いが近いことをJohn Hageeが解説しているのでどうぞ。

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