
トップ > 社会 > Will Israel Attack Iran?

Will Israel Attack Iran?


ここもMEウォッチングとなりつつあるが、Joel Rosenbergのブログから。何人ものイスラエル高官に取材をしたN.Y. TIMESの記者Bergmanによると、イスラエルは2012年中にイランを攻撃する公算が高いとの結論。

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Bergman’s conclusion: “After speaking with many senior Israeli leaders and chiefs of the military and the intelligence, I have come to believe that Israel will indeed strike Iran in 2012. Perhaps in the small and ever-diminishing window that is left, the United States will choose to intervene after all, but here, from the Israeli perspective, there is not much hope for that. Instead there is that peculiar Israeli mixture of fear — rooted in the sense that Israel is dependent on the tacit support of other nations to survive — and tenacity, the fierce conviction, right or wrong, that only the Israelis can ultimately defend themselves.”

こちらがN.Y.Times Magagineの元記事。

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