
トップ > 社会 > オバマ、ロシアにアメリカを売る!?


AKB48の前田何とか子が卒業! うーん、ビッグなニュースだ・・・。まあ、ニッポンの平和ボケもここまでクルと・・・。


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先にオバマとメドベージェフの会話がマイクに拾われた件、アメリカではオバマに対する大きな不安と不信を呼んでいるようだ。選挙が終われば自分は比較的フレキシブルになれるとして、アメリカの安全保障をロシアに渡すことを示唆した。これについてDarrell Issaが深刻に捉えている。

At the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, CNSNews.com asked Issa about the president’s remarks to Medvedev, which were inadvertantly picked up by a microphone and recorded. “Can I ask you about the President’s remarks to the Russian president yesterday?" asked CNSNews.com. "Does he mean he’s going to be making concessions to the Russians after the election?”

Issa responded: “Well clearly, the president has a plan to do after the election what he can’t or won’t do before the election. And he’s going to do it without ever being honest with the American people.”

“I think that’s clear,” said Issa. “Now, how much of a sell out of America’s security -- [Incoming Russian President Vladimir] Putin certainly is not on our side, doesn’t want what we want, has certainly proven to be a new generation dictator of Russia.”

“So, when he sends to the president [Medvedev] who’s about to leave office in favor of Putin coming back in and taking over officially, that we can work together to get what Putin wants, quite candidly the American people should be very afraid that any President who’s going to be flexible with Putin is going to be flexible with an enemy of America, an enemy of the West, an enemy of even delivery of oil and natural gas to people in need in the winter,” Issa said.

“Understand, it has been the Putin administration that has cut off the flow of natural gas in the winter to Eastern Europeans if they didn’t play ball with them," said Issa. "So, that’s the person that he’s quote, going to be ‘flexible’ with after the election.”

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