
トップ > 信仰 > NWRへの道、法王進化論を擁護



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To say that Pope Francis is an extremely popular pontiff would be a massive understatement. He was showered with praise by media outlets all over the globe when he responded to a question about homosexuality with the following phrase: “Who am I to judge?” From the earliest days of his papacy, he has been visited by an endless stream of religious dignitaries from all over the planet, and they all seem to have nothing but good things to say about him. At this point, even most Muslims seem to love this Pope. Earlier this year, Pope Francis took the unprecedented step of authorizing “Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran” at the Vatican for the first time ever. This Pope seems to have a sixth sense for making the right public relations moves, and he appears to be destined to become one of the most loved popes ever.

This week, Pope Francis is making headlines all over the world for publicly embracing the Big Bang and the theory of evolution. The following are some of the Pope’s statements that are popping up in newspapers worldwide…

  • “When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so.”
  • “The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it.”
  • “Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.”

And not only has the Catholic Church eagerly embraced these theories, there are also several prominent Catholic theologians that are now fully condemning the idea of a “young Earth” and the idea that God created man in a single day.


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