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Iranian scientists have produced 20 percent pure uranium to supply a nuclear reactor in Tehran.

Senior State Department official says it is important to take "strong steps" urgently, or "pressures will grow for much stronger actions."


The actions and words of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Syrian ruler Bashar Assad in the last 72 hours indicate they are poised for a regional war, including an attack on Iran, for some time between December 2011 and January 2012.



IDF sources say Syria testing missiles to show international community what Assad regime is capable of.

DAMASCUS, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- Syrian armed forces conducted late Sunday war games with live ammunition under war-like circumstances, a move that Israeli officials believe was a bid to strut Syrian military prowess in the face of recently-imposed Arab League (AL) sanctions against the regime.

ダマスカスの命運は、ここでも何度も指摘したとおり、イザヤ17章(Isa 17:1)に預言されているが、Hal Lindseyが最近の状況を御言葉から検証している。


Erekat says Quartet called for separate talks with 2 parties, Palestinians have complied with demands; comments come in response to remarks by US State Department spokesman that direct talks are necessary.


Attacks targeting nuclear scientists and sites lead some observers to believe that the U.S. and Israel are trying to derail Iran's programs.

なお、これは夢のある話だ。契約の箱(アーク)がエチオピアの教会堂で見ることができるかもとのお話。契約の箱の実体はキリストご自身であるゆえに、今の経綸では隠されているのだが・・・(cf.Rev 11:19)。

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