
トップ > 科学 > 米上院議員、FukushimaはMEL,国際的支援が必要と



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[...] Securing the structure of the pool at Unit 4 was identified early on in the crisis, with support columns installed. But the survivability of these columns, if struck by a manor [sic] seismic event, must be doubted. A decision to build a new structure around the plant with heavy lift cranes is only the start of a long process that risks failure at numerous corners. All through this period and before the spent fuel is unloaded and put in secure casks the possibility will persist of loss of cooling water leading to an exothermic reaction that would lead to the release of a vast inventory of radioactive cesium and other radionuclides. The 50 mile evacuation zone recommended for U.S. citizens in the months after the Fukushima accident began would not be sufficient to protect Japan, including Metropolitan Tokyo, from potential devastation as a society. That was the information conveyed to Prime Minister Kan more than one year ago – and it remains the nightmare today. [...]

加えて今般、米上院議員Ron Wyden氏が現地を視察したが、状況は報道よりも悪いとして、米国の各方面に働きかけつつ、わがニッポンに対しても国際的援助を受けるようにと勧告をした。

“The scope of damage to the plants and to the surrounding area was far beyond what I expected and the scope of the challenges to the utility owner, the government of Japan, and to the people of the region are daunting,” Wyden wrote in the letter. “The precarious status of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear units and the risk presented by the enormous inventory of radioactive materials and spent fuel in the event of further earthquake threats should be of concern to all and a focus of greater international support and assistance.”

またAnny Gandersen氏は4号機の倒壊の確率がかなり高いとして、すでに家族を南半球に避難させる準備を整えた模様だ。もしその使用済み燃料がMOX燃料であれば、6%のプルトニウムを含んでおり、その量は、1本の燃料棒で28億人を殺すことができる。それが1,500本!4号機が倒壊すれば、まさに北半球はオワルのだ。現在、4号機棟は逆三角形状態と言える。

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