
トップ > 独白 > 反米政治家にガンは流行するか?



Before his death during many public speeches Hugo Chavez called cases of cancer among presidents throughout Latin America an “epidemic” and a strange and alarming phenomenon. Not only was cancer spreading with non-coincidental regularity at approximately the same time to leaders in Latin America but it was attacking Latin America’s leading left leaning anti-US Imperialists, including Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, Paraguay’s Fernando Lugo, the former President of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. We might also add the mysterious illness of Fidel Castro to the list. Was this possibly a coincidence?


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“I have no doubt he will come again along with all the righteous people and the Prophet Jesus and the only successor of the righteous generation, the perfect human,” Ahmadinejad said in a statement released in Persian on the president's official website Wednesday, the New York Times reported.

The "perfect human" refers to the Hidden Imam, who Shiite Muslims believe disappeared in the ninth century but expect to re-emerge.


ちなみにアメリカの対イラン姿勢の変化についてはいつものJoel Rosenbergが解説している。

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さて、本日は大学で所用をすませ、午後はDJ Jerryと会っていろいろ話した後、夜は私はそのままmotionblueにてLiveを。そう、noonのユニットが出演するのだ。・・・しかし、今年は花粉がキツイ・・・ 加えて、黄砂+PM2.5、放射能、と。これはもうSFの世界だ。

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