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さて、ボストン・マラソンではテロ。北朝鮮も「いつやるか、今でしょっ」的スタンス。すでに弾道ミサイル搭載可能な核断頭を保有していると見られている。イランは北朝鮮を支持。かくしてイスラエルはイランの核保有に対する懸念を強め、先制攻撃の時期が早まったとの見方が出ている。いつものJoel Rosenbergの分析だ。

At this point, Netanyahu and his advisors are likely drawing the following conclusions:

1.Pyongyang either has or nearly has not just an operational nuclear warhead, but one that can be fitted on a ballistic missile;

2.Therefore, because Iran and North Korea are working so closely together, it must be assumed that Iran is even closer to having deliverable nuclear missiles than previously believed;

3.The U.S. intends to take no decisive action to stop Pyongyang from becoming a nuclear weapons power;

4.Therefore, it can be assumed that the U.S. is not going to take decisive action to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons power;

5.In the cases of both North Korea and Iran, the Obama administration talks tough, but carries a little stick — the U.S. merely intends to contain and deter these two countries from using nuclear weapons, not really prevent them from building them;

6.Thus, Israel is on its own, and may need to move hard and fast to keep Iran from crossing the red line, after which Israel won’t have an effective military option.

対するイランは、アメリカかイスラエルが同国に攻撃を加えた場合、それはWW3の勃発を意味すると宣告。かつてCIAの二重スパイだったReza Kahlili氏の分析。


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あなたを祝福する者をわたしは祝福し、あなたをのろう者をわたしはのろう。地上のすべての民族は、あなたによって祝福される。-Gen 12:2-3

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