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President Peres Says Israel Willing To Cede Golan to Syria

Never one to miss an opportunity to push his personal initiatives irrespective of positions taken by Israel's government, President Shimon Peres on Tuesday said Israel was ready to "change the situation in the Golan Heights."

In an interview with CNN during his visit to Washington, Peres said Israel has always desired peace with Damascus and that all former prime ministers have been willing to give up the former Syrian territory in exchange for a deal.

However, the Syrian government must choose between peace with Israel and continuing to 'service Hizbullah and Iran," Peres said.

But Israel's current government has taken the position that the Golan Heights are not on the table.


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US to Israel: Stop building in Jerusalem!

The Obama Administration has taken to parroting Arab criticism of routine construction in Jewish neighborhood that lie on the eastern side of Jerusalem.

The US State Department on Tuesday expressed “deep concern” over the Israeli government’s approval of plans to build 942 new apartment units in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo.


見よ。わたしがユダとエルサレムの捕われ人を返す、その日、その時、わたしはすべての国民を集め、彼らをヨシャパテの谷に連れ下り、その所で、彼らがわたしの民、わたしのゆずりの地イスラエルにしたことで彼らをさばく。彼らはわたしの民を諸国の民の間に散らし、わたしの地を自分たちの間で分け取ったからだ。-Joel 3:1-2


その日、主は再び御手を伸ばし、ご自分の民の残りを買い取られる。残っている者をアッシリヤ、エジプト、パテロス、クシュ、エラム、シヌアル、ハマテ、海の島々から買い取られる。-Isaiah 11:11


Time Mag Editor: Koran Is ‘Directly The Word of God,’ Bible Just a Book ‘Written By Man’

In another example of a sort-of cultural suicide where western media types assume that all Muslims are blameless – while all Americans are at fault in this clash of civilizations between Islamism and the West – we have a recent episode of MSNBC’s Hardball with one-time Democratic operative Chuck Todd standing-in for host Chris Matthews.
In the segment Time Magazine’s World Editor Bobby Ghosh told Chuck Todd that the riots and murders perpetrated by Muslims in Afghanistan were obviously understandable because the Koran is apparently more holy than the Christian Bible. Ghosh averred that it’s important to “keep in mind” that the Koran is “not the same as the Bible to Christians.” Why, you might ask? Why it’s because the Koran is “directly the word of God.” On the other hand, the Bible is just a book “written by men.”

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聖書は神の言葉ではない・・・、残念ながら、日本基督教団あたりの牧師ですらそう証しするのだから、敵に足場を自ら与えてしまっている(参照:Eph. 4:27)。

また、この預言の書のことばを少しでも取り除く者があれば、神は、この書に書いてあるいのちの木と聖なる都から、その人の受ける分を取り除かれる。-Rev. 22:18-19


それゆえ、天とその中に住む者たち。喜びなさい。しかし、地と海とには、わざわいが来る。悪魔が自分の時の短いことを知り、激しく怒って、そこに下ったからである。-Rev. 12:12

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