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イスラエル副外相兼戦略省(?)長官Moshe Ya'alonがイランの核の脅威を排除するためには先制攻撃もありえると主張。イランではアフマディネジャドがハメイニ師との確執により、権威が失墜しつつあるわけで、自らのスタンスを維持するための焦りから何かする可能性が高いのだ。

Vice PM: Strike on Iran could be necessary

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Vice Prime Minister and Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya'alon says the civilized world must take joint action to avert the Iranian nuclear threat.

Vice Prime Minister and Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya'alon says the civilized world must take joint action to avert the Iranian nuclear threat, including a pre-emptive strike if necessary.


Canada warns against participation in Gaza flotilla

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Canadian foreign minister urges activists to deliver aid through legal channels; Navy drafting operational plans for flotilla.

Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird "strongly" urged activists seeking to bring humanitarian aid to residents in the Gaza Strip to do so through "established channels," AFP reported Monday.

The top Canadian diplomat called attempts to breach the blockade the IDF maintains on the strip "provocative" and not helpful to the "people of Gaza."

The IDF is preparing for the arrival of a protest flotilla that is set to try and break the blockade on the Gaza Strip in late June. The flotilla organizers announced on Sunday that the ships will sail, despite UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon request to the contrary.

While the government has yet to make a final decision on what to do with the vessels, efforts are being invested in two parallel tracks. On the one hand, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are investing significant diplomatic efforts in asking countries to work to prevent their citizens from participating in the flotilla.


Netanyahu: Israel cannot prevent UN recognition of Palestinian state


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