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ユダヤ教のラビShmuel Eliyahuが、ミツヴァ(律法)を遵守しないと神の超自然的な裁きがあるとして、まだ神殿は再建されていないが、神殿の丘における犠牲の供え物を復活すべきと主張。

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Rabbi calls for sacrifice on Temple Mount

Jews evading Passover mitzvah are risking supernatural punishment, warns Safed's Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

The annual attempts to resume the Passover sacrifice received a first significant rabbinical backing recently. Safed's Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, a prominent religious Zionism leader, has called on the public to perform the sacrifice mitzvah on the eve of the Jewish holiday, in about two weeks.

Speaking during a Halacha lesson in Jerusalem last week, the rabbi warned that Jews evading the mitzvah were risking "Kareth" - a supernatural punishment for transgressing Jewish Law.


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New initiative bases peace on '67 lines

Ex-senior defense establishment figures, including ex-Mossad, Shin Bet chief, behind initiative calling for Palestinian state within 1967 borders

The stalemate plaguing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process has prompted several former senior defense establishment figures, including ex-Mossad and Shin Bet chiefs, to publish their own version of a new peace initiative.

The manifest was influenced – according to its captains – by the unrest sweeping across the Middle East, and is meant to prompt the government into reigniting the peace talks.


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