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Netanyahu: Israel willing to 'cede parts of our homeland' for true peace

Prime Minister tells Knesset that a Palestinian government that refuses to recognize Israel is no partner for peace; he also says Israel must stop blaming itself for the cycle of violence and start looking at the 'reality' of the situation with 'open eyes'.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Israel would be prepared to compromise and "cede parts of our homeland" for true peace with the Palestinians, but added that he did not believe the latter was ready to be a true partner for peace.


Analysis: IDF worried border protests just beginning

Demonstrations and violence in North likely just the promo for what can be expected in September ahead of Palestinian statehood declaration.

対するアフマディネジャドは、15日の"Nakba Day"におけるガザ地区などでのイスラエル側の反撃で死者が出たことに対して、イスラエルはガン細胞であり、切除しなくてはならないとメッセージ。

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Ahmadinejad: Israel is cancer that must be removed

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad branded Israel a cancer cell that must be removed Sunday, after Israeli gunfire killed 12 people and wounded hundreds as Palestinians marched in a mass show of mourning over the creation of the Jewish State.

"On the anniversary of this regime, people demonstrated in various places, but there were dead and wounded and this regime once again showed its real nature," he said in a television interview.

"Like a cancer cell that spreads through the body, this regime infects any region. It must be removed from the body," he added.

His statement came after earlier calls for Israel to be wiped out.


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