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5,6年ほど前に北海道は岩内町に伝道に入っていた英国KFM出身のMax&Sheila Graham夫妻からメールが入っていた。彼らは岩内をたって後、ポーランドやアメリカを経て、今アイルランドにいるとのこと。先のPenny女史とも交わりがあるのだが、当時は私たちも北海道に行く度に彼らのログハウスを訪れ、そこの姉妹たちとも交わりを持っていた。みなさん、お元気でしょうか?実に懐かしい。彼らの新しいサイトはこちら。



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The focus of Christianity is Jesus Christ, yet for many he has been displaced by focusing on religious practices that were unknown to the early church. The question is - Why? If a time travelling first century Christian visited a church service today he would immediately recognizes the large building, the sanctuary, the altar table, the pulpit, the priest/pastor, choir, the robes and vestments, the top down management structure and the culture of a man being superior to a woman. Yes, he would recognize all of these things because they were part of the pagan world that he, as a Christian, had been called out of. He would probably turn tail and head for the exit while thanking Jesus that he no longer needed any of that. We, on the other hand, do connect all these things to our Christian experience in the twenty-first century. Where we have a problem is in seeing how they connect to the church of the first century. That is why this book is subtitled, ‘Why Do We Do It The Way We Do?’ Against a backdrop of world events, from the earliest days to the present, Last Stone Standing lays out how the church came into being and how many of the accepted practices of today became entrenched within it. A must read for all those interested in living an authentic Christian life.



初めからあったもの、私たちが聞いたもの、目で見たもの、じっと見、また手でさわったもの、すなわち、いのちのことばについて、―このいのちが現われ、私たちはそれを見たので、そのあかしをし、あなたがたにこの永遠のいのちを伝えます。すなわち、御父とともにあって、私たちに現わされた永遠のいのちです。―私たちの見たこと、聞いたことを、あなたがたにも伝えるのは、あなたがたも私たちと交わりを持つようになるためです。私たちの交わりとは、御父および御子イエス・キリストとの交わりです。私たちがこれらのことを書き送るのは、私たちの喜びが全きものとなるためです。-1John 1:1-4

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