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Under the guise of letting go of the Christian holidays, this text provides Muslims with a waiver to add Islamic holidays…. Six Belgian senators introduced a draft resolution in the Belgian Parliament that would make "Islamophobia" a crime punishable by fines and imprisonment. A person would be guilty if he "considers Islam to be violent, threatening or supportive of terrorism…" or "considers Islam to be a political ideology, used for political and military purposes to establish it hegemony." If passed, the law would pose a devastating blow to the exercise of free speech in Belgium.


A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway. Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other.

We are reliving the true history of how the Islamic world, much of which prior to the Islamic conquests was almost entirely Christian, came into being.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recently said: “The flight of Christians out of the region is unprecedented and it’s increasing year by year.” In our lifetime alone “Christians might disappear altogether from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt.”


Intolerance may be difficult to define, but some evangelicals say they have become victims of intolerance because of their reverence for the Bible.
The conservative media culture is filled with stories about evangelicals being labeled as “extremists” for their belief that homosexuality is a sin.
Their sense of persecution goes beyond their stance on homosexuality. There are stories circulating of evangelical students being suspended for opposing homosexuality, a teacher fired for giving a Bible to a curious student, and the rise of anti-Christian bigotry.

クリスチャンと自称するオバマが実はモスレムの霊に憑かれており、アメリカの内部を崩壊させていることはすでに何度も指摘しているが、今日、サタンは自らの終わりの近いことを知り、あらゆる手段を用いて私たちの信仰を破壊しようと躍起になっているのだ。既に何度も指摘しているが、ニッポンキリスト教においては、自らの"正義"を掲げつつ自分を"神"とする者たちが、自分を正当化するためにあらゆる憎悪と偽りをまき散らし、人々を汚しているが、この業界は自己細胞を自分の免疫系が攻撃する自己免疫疾患のごとくに自ら崩壊しつつある。Rick Warrenなども内部から浸食している。しかし、まことに再建主義の富井氏も主張するとおり-

多くの人々がキリストの十字架の敵として歩んでいるからです。彼らの最後は滅びです。-Phil 3:18-19

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