Derek Prince : “Spiritual Warfare for the End Times.”

At this point, God’s answer to this situation was a new type of ministry: the ministry of Elijah. Elijah’s ministry represented God’s response to the alliance of political power and satanic supernatural power represented by Ahab and Jezebel. The following verses help us understand what God had in mind.

And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.” . . . And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.” (1 Kings 17:1; 18:1)

Elijah was God’s answer to the situation. By God’s command, He brought judgment against the forces of Satan working to dominate Israel through the political, demonic alliance of Ahab and Jezebel.

Let us not be deceived. The final battle is not going to be fought on the plane of human reasoning and argument. It is going to be fought on a supernatural plane. When the power of Jezebel’s prophets had almost taken over the land, God sent Elijah, a prophet who would call down fire from heaven.

終わりの時代はフェイクの時代。イゼベルの霊が活発化している。イスラエルもこの霊に覆われている。この戦いは理性とか論理によるものではなく、エリヤの霊こそがYHWHエロヒムの解決の道である、と。まことに米国を見てもアハブとイゼベルの構造が再現されており(1Kings 19:1)、わが国でも小池百合子を代表として、天の女王の霊が仕切りつつある(Jer 7:18)。そしてサタンは光の天使にすら化けるのだ。KEEP WATCHING !!!

だが、驚くには当たりません。サタンでさえ光の天使を装うのです。-2Cor 11:14

Derek Princeはわが愛読書。英国人であり、きわめてnoble。私のメンターであるColin Urquhartとも一時関係があった。

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